Audio / Video Notes
It takes at least two people to run the large/small group meetings. One to host zoom for the large group meeting and setup the breakout rooms and the another to setup the projection computer, get the main speakers on the mics and setup the keyboard. Last year Isaiah and Jonathan helped me with the Zoom host computer for the large group meetings and to setup the breakout rooms. I would like to add a third task to have someone monitor the small group breakouts on zoom.
Here are the tasks each week that are required to run MOB for audio/visual parts (including Zoom)
Role 1. The Zoom Master
Task 1. Setup and monitor the host Zoom computer during the main meeting.
Task 2. Initiate the assignments for the breakout rooms in Zoom and launch the breakout rooms.
Task 3. Monitor the small group breakout rooms on Zoom.
Role 2. The Sound/Projection Master
Task 1. Setup the mics and do a sound check.
Task 2. Setup the presentation computer and do a sound check on Zoom. Usually someone is online that can give a thumps up for a sound check.
Task 3. Setup and taking down the keyboard.
Both the zoom master and projection master need to coordinate the setup of the host computer, the projection computer, and the projector. I was doing this with both computers next to each other at the front. Then I would move the host computer to the back.
Known problems.
Here are the tasks each week that are required to run MOB for audio/visual parts (including Zoom)
Role 1. The Zoom Master
Task 1. Setup and monitor the host Zoom computer during the main meeting.
- This includes admitting people into the main meeting from the waiting room.
- Making sure there is no feedback and folks are muted.
- Troubleshoot as the main meeting progresses.
Task 2. Initiate the assignments for the breakout rooms in Zoom and launch the breakout rooms.
- This includes assigning men to their groups and launching the breakout rooms (I will have an updated list each week)
- Troubleshooting if people are not in a breakout room.
- Remind folks they need to rename themselves in zoom to include the group letter in front of their name.
Task 3. Monitor the small group breakout rooms on Zoom.
- Once we go to our small groups, this person will take the laptop to their small group and monitor/trouble shoot the breakout rooms.
- I did this task last year which was a bit challenging when I was co-leading my small group.
Role 2. The Sound/Projection Master
Task 1. Setup the mics and do a sound check.
Task 2. Setup the presentation computer and do a sound check on Zoom. Usually someone is online that can give a thumps up for a sound check.
Task 3. Setup and taking down the keyboard.
Both the zoom master and projection master need to coordinate the setup of the host computer, the projection computer, and the projector. I was doing this with both computers next to each other at the front. Then I would move the host computer to the back.
Known problems.
- Twice, the host computer lost the Wi-Fi connection. The 1st time was during a large group meeting, and I think Isaiah had to connect by using his cell phone as a hotspot. The 2nd time was near end of a small group session, and I let it playout not wanting to restart the host computer. It seemed to work for about 10 minutes then the meeting ended around 9 pm. This only happened once but if it had happened earlier, my limited solution would have been to restart the host computer to try to connect again. I don’t know what this would have done to the small groups on zoom.
- We use two mics. The speaker mics is a headset which needs to be looked at very carefully before each meeting. There is a connect that need to be screwed in tight or the connection becomes unstable and will break and reconnect creating lots of noise.
- The handheld mic we use for prayer. It has a limited range so the person praying should be up front. Also, it seems that only one mic will work at a time so the speaker and the person praying need to handoff control. I.e., turn their mic off when not in use.
- Zoom folks are missing out on the song/ and or prayer. Currently, I am using the projection computer’s mic and camera for zoom. There should be a way to integrate the sound directly into zoom.